As a FORMER ACTIVIST, here’s why I LOVE to use the “4K Downloader” app, to fetch videos from the internet and archive them for my own personal use

So I USED to be an activist (I no longer am, but that is a whole other story)…

And I KNOW that RIDICULOUS and PIGGISH websites like Youtube ROUTINELY censors information that it (or elites) does not like. And i personally DO NOT BELIEVE in so-called (western or American style) “intellectual property” law… I also realize that certain forms or posts of information, especially some video content, deserves to be backed up (archived) and LOCALLY SAVED to a private personal computer for that own person’s FAIR USE.

THIS is why i love to use the program for Windows, called “4K Downloader”, created by Open Media, LLC.  (You can download and try it, here: )

4K Downloader is a great program or application for Windows PCs that lets you download videos from many popular websites (like Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, GIPHY, IMGURL, and maybe some other unsavory sites as well). You can choose which container or file format to download the video in (MP4 or MKV are the only 2 choices i have seen thus far, but i think i have also seen cell phone formats such as 3GP as well?).  You can also choose at which resolution (high or low, decreed by various resolution standards such as 240p, 640, 720p, 1080p, 4K, and many in between)…. You can also choose where the download folder is located, and how many jobs to involve in the downloading of each file, AND how many files to attempt downloading all at once. If anything ever happens to interrupt the download, it will allow you to re-attempt that same download (called an HTTP RESUME) as far later as you want — EVEN if you close the program and re-open it a week or so later.  UNTIL YOU CHOOSE to remove a video in it’s hopper-like download list, it will KEEP a memory of it in it’s own list, waiting for you to decide what you want to do with that given video or audio file, at any moment.

Personally i do not use it for “piracy” (because i do NOT NEED to.  I use it only for freely available and already accessible content already on most public and LEGAL websites.)  I USE IT because I LOVE certain (maybe popular) videos on the internet and i just want to have local copies of them.  I LOVE that i can use this program to do so, and how (if i want) i can also rip MP3 audio/music files from posted OST (original sound track, like from movies) videos on youtube as well.  I also love that it lets you download in as many “threads” (multiple download jobs) as you want (though i find the default setting to be the most stable).  I was about to pay for this program but then the company (Open Media LLC) that develops the app (4K Downloader) said (as seen here: ) … that if i write my own review of their program, (as a form of advertising, I guess), that i can then get my own fully activated license for using the program “for free” (just as long as i give them good props and P.R. heh).

Another great feature it has, is you can download entire playlists of videos or audio files (this feature is limited without an activated license but it does let you do so for awhile before it ever complains.  I think i have downloaded about 400 videos with this app so far, and not only a few playlists in entirety!!!). One of my favorite things to do with it is to sometimes grab AUDIOBOOKS or SOUNDTRACKS as posted by people, from movies and things like that.  Speeches (of any kind) are also a great type of media to obtain with this!

Here’s an image of MY OWN USE of the program (a snapshot actually taken from my own desktop PC):

4K Downloader


I love this program because it does basically what i have always wanted in a downloader — though i think the FREE and OPEN SOURCE “youtube-dl” program (found in most GNU open source package distributions works a LOT better and with more websites … and you can find that for Windows too).  But while I must admit that the FREE “youtube-dl” app works A LOT BETTER than 4K Downloader does, 4K is still a lot more faster to open and EASIER to use.  No stripping or de-mangling of the text or HTTP arguments in URLs are needed or to be adjusted on the command line before using it (sometimes you DO need to do this to obtain certain content from Facebook videos — if you know what you are doing, and I do). It is simple and fast and all you need is a URL copied to the clipboard before clicking on the “Paste URL” button.  With youtube-dl, you have to have some knowledge of how to work a command line FIRST.  NOT SO with 4K Downloder!!  It is SUPER EASY with this program — even if it will NOT download from as many varities of websites as youtube-dl does (because it is far more powerful — albeit with a learning curve that will make newbies shy away).

Here is a CAVEAT however — a short list of some websites (that many activists tend to use) that 4K Downloader will (sadly) NOT YET work with:

(All of those websites are THE TOP ACTIVIST sites that people tend to use nowadays that DO NOT CENSOR ANY MEDIA uploaded to them.  The app also does NOT work with most porn sites — but let’s be honest: is that really necessary?  lol)

That is the PRIMARY reason why 4K Downloader CANNOT EARN a perfect 5-star review from me… (see below). It does, however, claim to work on “most” other websites… though i have not tested it literally everywhere.

Additionally, I must note that I do not normally like or use “smart mode” (a feature of the program, indicated by the giant lightbulb button or icon at top of the interface on the app) because i prefer to be the one doing the “thinking” when i am trying to carefully curate how the download of my desired media, should go. But some people might find it intuitive and possibly even easier to use the app in that way, than i do.   To each their own. I honestly do not know if the algorithms in this part of the program work any good?  Because I have been too afraid to try it lol

Well, here’s my review. I HIGHLY recommend people try this GREAT program and i am looking forward to (hopefully) getting my free license now that i advertised a blurb for this good company — you have to admit, that most software developers would have NAGGED ME TO REGISTER like YEARS ago. But this program BARELY EVER NAGS you!!!  And i have been using this software for MANY YEARS now, and i was about to pay to register JUST BECAUSE THEY DESERVE IT — but i figure: i am poor and disabled, so … and then i saw their promotion to get a license by writing a blog post, so … this is the next best and easiest way for me! 🙂

Download and TRY IT, TODAY!!! Link below:

Cheers!  And for any of the rest of you that ARE activists, you WILL NOT be disappointed to use this great tool in backing up videos that YOU KNOW DO NEED to be PRESERVED AND ARCHIVED for POSTERITY for the sake of ALL HUMANITY (and to be PROTECTED against CENSORSHIP by those whose desires towards TYRANNICAL OPPRESSION are sadly, yet unstopped).

And it’s really nice to be able to burn some media to DVD or Blu-Ray too — and this great tool can help you get started! I have put together entire compilations of videos that have finally gone off to my own personally burned DVDs or Blu-Rays, and where I have used this tool to add “filler” videos of fetched media from the internet — like interviews and media soundbites etc. — in order to fill-out the other remaining space of my burned media, just so i won’t be wasting unused space.

Final review:

FOUR STARS out of 5.  (Because of how EASY all of it’s features are to use, but minus 1 star from a total of 5 ONLY because it’s #1 and FREE competitor, the open-source “youtube-dl”, is far more powerful in the types of websites and URLs that it can handle). There are still a lot of websites that 4K downloader cannot do and that is my only real sad disappointment with this otherwise SUPERB product!



Red China is = JEW China!

wow…. this was the latest and biggest bombshell HISTORICAL article that i have read in a very very long time! SOMEHOW i have always had my suspicions that all of the COMMUNISM present in China HAD to have come from SOMEWHERE.  Had to have started SOMEHOW, by SOMEbody, SOME way.



if you are as blown away by CONFIRMATION of your own thoughts about how it all started in CHINA, then maybe you know how and what i feel right now, after having read this AMAZINGLY ILLUMINATING HISTORICAL piece of how Communism first started in “The Middle Kingdom”.

It was the continual INFILTRATION (ala IMMIGRATION) of SNIVELING ELITIST Jews who were intent on dismantling and USURPING what had been built up (for THOUSANDS of years!!!!) until the time of post-WW2 Chinese ruler, Chiang Kai-Shek.


Exmouth, HAARP Facility in Australia

There are at least 22 different IONOSPHERIC HEATER ARRAYS all around the world. The widest known is HAARP in Alaska, but there are others in Scandinavia, Russia, and Peru, of all places. Here’s a lesser known one, with a hexagonal radar arrangement in Australia, in Exmouth, called “Mu Radar” (Mu probably indicates MICROWAVE).

HAARP stands for The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. HAARP is capable of blasting a super-charged, high frequency radio wave into the earth’s atmosphere. This controllable radio wave is so powerful and electromagnetically charged that it can actually lift the ionosphere while simultaneously heating it! The ionosphere is an electromagnetically charged shield that surrounds the earth’s upper atmosphere. The ionosphere (ozone layer) protects the earth from deadly radiation and spikes emitted by the sun.

HAARP has been able to achieve such unprecedented high radio frequency blasts that all of it’s,effects are not yet known, effects include weather control missile defense shield and even mind control. The government and military propaganda machine has neglected to tell the true story about HAARP. In their official reporting, they cite advanced HAARP communications capabilities for our military as a positive mechanism for national security. HAARP has the capability of being able to knock…

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DEBUNKING GROSS MYTHS and NONSENSE IGNORANT LIES about how “nazi” Adolph Hitler, “was a Rothschild”. #VIDEO

I’ve been dealing with a lot of CRASS and GROSS IGNORANCE on Quora, lately.

I am SO HORRIBLY and EXHAUSTIVELY TIRED of so many ignorant FOOLS all over the internet these days all chiming in about the latest ear-tickling thing they read and AUTOMATICALLY BELIEVE about something or anything… SUCH LAZY GROSS and CRASS people who have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGOR or DETERMINATION to MINE the truth for themselves!!! These processes — of reading and studying history, and determining which elements of a given story are true, accurate, or not — are literal painstaking and time-consuming and very personally engrossing things! Not just something you can answer after only 15 minutes of reading! YOU LITERALLY CANNOT come to any real or accurate conclusions about anything or anyone, just by spending less than a few years in trying to find out.  It literally does take many many many years of SELF-STUDY to be able to know WHICH sources are real and accurate and which sources are NOT and need to be REJECTED.

A lot of gross ignoramuses have been going around spewing IGNORANT NONSENSE about how “Adolph Hitler”, the once TOP LEADER of a LARGELY CHRISTIAN nation, in history, was somehow a family member of, or related to, or just was separately a “Rothschild agent” … such HORRIBLY STUPID NONSENSE!!!!

I refer to these STUPID posts, of course:

How utterly REVOLTING!!!!

My chosen reply to all of this UTTERLY RIDICULOUS NONSENSE is a great video that i found, which was made by another man — but this one makes all of total sense:


This man is so very smart and i hope more people listen to him (no he is NOT me/myself — i do not even know who this man is, but he speaks the truth!!!!)

This point of things seriously needs to be addressed because too many people are ridiculously ignorant of these things and it is starting to drive me just a bit mad…

Hope you enjoy the video. This man has obviously spent a long time engrossing himself in REAL FACTS of history to determine the truth ON HIS OWN.



Why Monarchy Is Better For Christians than Democracy – a Very Popular View in Russia — Apokalyps Nu!

“NO KING but KING JESUS!” was the war cry of the First American Revolution, circa 1776.

11-03-19 08:55:00, “Democracies and republics are fundamentally only concerned with whatever might be the will of their voters, and therefore, they are fundamentally not concerned with questions of what constitutes objective Truth, whether such Truth exists, or how to best lead a nation’s people toward that Truth” The view that monarchy is the best form of government is very […]

via Why Monarchy Is Better For Christians than Democracy – a Very Popular View in Russia — Apokalyps Nu!

Putin warned Bush of imminent threat 2 days before 9/11: Ex-CIA analyst — Russia News Now

This file photo taken on September 11, 2001 shows a hijacked plane approaching the World Trade Center shortly before crashing into the landmark skyscraper in New York. Russian President Vladimir Putin had warned his US counterpart George W. Bush about an imminent terrorist threat two days before the 9/11 attacks took place, a former CIA…

via Putin warned Bush of imminent threat 2 days before 9/11: Ex-CIA analyst — Russia News Now

The Bruised Reed and the Smoking Flax — Serve Him in the Waiting

This is a repeat of a post I wrote July of 2014. For those who have traveled a long, hard road. -STL Reading the scriptures this morning, as I am studying on the Holy Spirit, prayer, and the church, by doing an exhaustive survey on the topics through the Bible, I was struck with the […]

via The Bruised Reed and the Smoking Flax — Serve Him in the Waiting

O ye who believe..Practice what ye preach

Amazing HOW MUCH MORE MORAL that the Islamic East is, compared to the SINFUL SODOMITE WEST (ie: America and Europe)… wow (and this article is 8 years old!)

Sufia's-eye View

Forbear to judge, for we are sinners all.  ~William Shakespeare, Henry VI

I am subscribed to a forum where marketing issues are brought up and discussed. Recently, someone brought up a TVC for a hair removing cream, which is reproduced here for the sake of discussion.

The comment made by a user on the above mentioned forum is as follows:

I don’t know whether you’ve noticed this but Anne French is advertising towards focus on vulgar-make of a female. They are clear in asking females to wear less. Is this campaign in accordance with local standards of the country. This is the real impact area where the controls should fall in to decrease the mushroom growth of such moves. Mobile companies have played a greater role in increasing the chat habit leading to boyfriend girlfriend culture. When you hear someone say that country’s youth have gone astray please also consider yourself as…

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Basic Activist Manual for Becoming a Great Communicator by Ryan D. Hall

This is an article I WROTE MYSELF, in 2014, and was published on a friend’s blog. I am rather proud of it. Please check it out.


Basic Activist Manual For Becoming A Great Communicator With Online Social Media!

 Written by Ryan D. Hall

(Revision 2, February 23rd, 2014)

This is but just a smattering of thoughts I’ve collected regarding how to be extremely effective at online activism … no matter which platform you come from, or topic or issue you are passionate about, this list can help anyone (so, myself being biased towards my own ideals, I fully realize that I am giving out to everyone, even double-edged swords to use against me. Nevertheless, all of the “tricks” and techniques I have always learned how to use, all these years … are now yours).

Illustration 1: The Lincoln and Douglas Debate (sculptures) Illustration 1: The Lincoln and Douglas Debate (sculptures)

For many years now, though, I’ve actually been feeling extremely compelled to compile a list like this, and I’m sure I can give far more advice than just 14 items … But I…

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