Red China is = JEW China!

wow…. this was the latest and biggest bombshell HISTORICAL article that i have read in a very very long time! SOMEHOW i have always had my suspicions that all of the COMMUNISM present in China HAD to have come from SOMEWHERE.  Had to have started SOMEHOW, by SOMEbody, SOME way.



if you are as blown away by CONFIRMATION of your own thoughts about how it all started in CHINA, then maybe you know how and what i feel right now, after having read this AMAZINGLY ILLUMINATING HISTORICAL piece of how Communism first started in “The Middle Kingdom”.

It was the continual INFILTRATION (ala IMMIGRATION) of SNIVELING ELITIST Jews who were intent on dismantling and USURPING what had been built up (for THOUSANDS of years!!!!) until the time of post-WW2 Chinese ruler, Chiang Kai-Shek.