Apocalyptic Dreams, and Aerial HARBINGERS of DOOM

While dreams don’t technically need to make a lot of sense, this is going to be a difficult post to write. Especially because a lot of it does make sense, just not so much right now in a very apparent way.

AND, to PREFACE, since this post DOES concern the topic of “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (which is NOT ALWAYS having to do with SILLY and RETARDED ideas of “little green men” or “visitors from outer space”, or “greys” etc…) YET IT DOES have to do with “close encounters of the X kind”, etc… then that is why i am posting it here.

MY LIFE has had a VERY LONG HISTORY of these kind of dreams, and they are NOT a forbidden topic here. I actually WANT and encourage people to share their “testimonies” or rather, EXPERIENCES and PERSONAL STORIES like this one!

AND, it can be terrifically THERAPEUTIC for many people to “dream log” what they experience while they sleep. I almost never do that, but this time i have.

Those who may know me — well — know that for whatever reason I know not why, i have tended to have had sort of “apocalyptic” dreams, IDK maybe “typical” “end of the world” type scenarios that end up playing their way out in my head when i sleep. It doesn’t occur every time i sleep, but fairly often…

This past night was no different. And dreams just like this one, with rare deviation, have been going on now for i think about 10 years or more…

Let me just get this out of the way now: THE IDEAL TIME to attack America is on July 4th. OBSCURING VISUAL and AUDITORY WEAPON experiences amidst a backdrop of fireworks and celebratory noises, OBSCURES IT WELL for some time… This was the backdrop of my dream, where amidst sudden flashes of firework celebrations and aerial phenomena, was lit up the phrase “Congratulations America on your … celebration”. Was it 2076, our TRICENTENNIAL? I doubt i will ever live that long. I’m almost 50 years old!

A BRIGHT FLASH lit up the night sky in the distance, right behind those celebratory fireworks and aerial messages, and while the people around me were all still cheering and clapping, and celebrating with each other… And then I exclaimed,

“That’s it! We’ve just been attacked by China!”

What kind of attack? a nuke? it did NOT LOOK LIKE a nuke, as it had only a flash and no real cloud pillar of smoke with it… But the sky WAS HAZY with either mist or smoke of another kind, hence why the aerial “blue beam” laser-like messages of letters of light were able to work and be part of the “celebration”.


Somehow, practically and almost literally SWIMMING through the sky, like fish, were these gigantic manned aerial platforms or “air ships”, as it were, which seemed to be drawn-to or attracted by whatever activity i was doing on my little laptop computer at that time.

I was outside at night, and sitting at a table with my laptop computer doing bit torrent downloading (and that was actually what i was doing before i fell asleep, in real life, too! lol So my subconscious is most definitely at-work here!!! AND AT NO TIME DID I FEEL “ILLEGAL” or “criminal”, NOR did my conscience ever make me feel “bad” EXCEPT when thinking that these air ships in the night sky were somehow “watching me” or suddenly taking notice of me OR WHAT MY COMPUTERS WERE DOING — some kind of electric activity scan???).

These giant air ships… they had dimensions of about a hundred feet tall, and 4 or 5 hundred feet long (THIS TIME, I never could see or calculate their width), and their lateral sides or bodies were lined here and there with long, streak-like lighted windows — or maybe scanning devices? something of purposeful activity. They appeared during, if not before… this “celebration”, and seemed to be sniffing their way around my parents’ back yard at night, and coming way too close to me, sitting there in that yard, at a table with my laptop, for my liking.

So i just sat there with my computer, WATCHING ONLY THESE SHIPS and NOT the fireworks or explosive flashes behind them… just watching them effortlessly “swim around” in the misty or smoky night sky… like some kind of giant, electric, cyber-anti-gravity space-whales.

I ALWAYS GET VERY VERY AFRAID of these kind of OMINOUS Aerial Platforms or “air ships” in my dreams because these kind of occurrences or situation happenstances have happened to me so MANY MANY MANY MANY TIMES! I think i under-estimate when i try to recall exactly how many times i have had dreams exactly like this one! But in this one, there were newer developments that happened to me that did not happen in the past 30 times or so that i have had these kind of dreams…

Suddenly, as this air ship went swimming about in the night sky above me, and as i watched it do so, ominously, for about 5 or 10 minutes, my rapt attention being entirely focused on watching it swim through the air, effortlessly, while every one of my neighbors were just outside at night watching the fireworks and celebrations and clapping and cheering, seeming to pay no mind at all to these ominous swimming platform airships, SUDDENLY from the background of my vision, or from a direction directly opposite of where i was facing, while my attention was literally focused only on these air ships…. SUDDENLY a modern and NON-ROTOR-based drone flies out at me, i think from the woods, and then GRABS ahold of my right arm with some kind of clasp or handcuff-like grasping claw device, and then just hovers or floats there, making noises, as it has grabbed ahold of my hand.

Meanwhile, of course, during all of this, the PILLAR OF FIRE that was going on JUST BEHIND the fireworks, all this time, gets brighter and less “fireworks”-like…

A woman in full military garb, looking all Starship-Troopers-like, helmet and body armor and all… She (I guess) had rappelled down from the airship, and lands a hundred feet from me, and comes walking up to me right there, in my own backyard, right as my right arm is up and being grabbed by this flying drone robot thing… And i am all scared out of my mind… Who is she and what is her purpose and did she really just come out of that flying air ship thing?? (I never saw her come out of it, just that she landed in my yard and was clearly FROM it…)

She appears suddenly out of nowhere, and then comes walking right up to me — right there in my own backyard!!! — and APOLOGIZES for the drone having attacked / attached / clasped ahold of and onto my arm, then removes it, i think… And then she says to me, while following my gaze up at the sky, now at the bright flashing BEHIND the fireworks and laser light show, saying,

“Yeah [you guessed it, that’s right], we’ve been attacked. America has been attacked.”

And FOR WHATEVER REASON, MY DANGER- or Spidey-sense, my level of present and utter apprehension, all my fear and utter desire to run the hell away, was NOT MOTIVATED so much by the distant flashing pillar of fire in the east, nor by the news of us being attacked, but as it was being CONSTANTLY PUSHED inside my head, by my BIGGEST FEAR: watching these giant air ships / “space whales”, swim around EVERYWHERE (and there were now about 10 of them air ships in the sky, up there?), just like they truly rule the sky…

And it was so ominous because their speed was not something fast or streaking or here one second and gone the next, but their pace was a slow plodding course through the sky — not even 5 or 10 miles an hour… THEIR SLOWNESS OF MOVEMENT, just up there creeping along through the cloudbanks, is what greatly contributed to the OMINOUS factor of how how much more afraid they made me feel, just by their being up there. ALWAYS PRESENT and HOVERING RIGHT OVER ME, at a height of only, maybe, five or six hundred feet above me, and yet, STILL FAR TOO CLOSE to me, my being only on the ground…

And then, right as i kept watching those ships, my dream, and the scene… totally changed.

And there i was, in some kind of future debate over what the “mark of the beast” was…. and the discussion became about FACTORY AUTOMATION. I dont remember a lot of this part of it, as this part is more blurry than the rest of my dream, but i was standing in a factory that was STAMPING OUT PEOPLE… real human people, human beings, being STAMPED WITH MECHANICAL or ELECTRICAL hardware parts, on their physical bodies. (Anyone who has ever seen the Star Wars movie, “Attack of the Clones” where Anakin and Padme were running through a factory and trying to avoid being stamped by automated robots, will understand that this scene was very much like that one.)

And i was having a roundtable like discussion with some important people or officials, probably some kind of corporate or government executives? About what the Mark of the Beast will be, AND I WAS WARNING THEM ABOUT THE MARK of the Beast… And then the topic of AUTOMATION and factory output came up… especially when it comes to how it is affecting people in their daily lives, and the possible mass output of more ships like those ones, AND THE MODIFICATION OF HUMANS in other factories PRIMARILY… My warning THEN had a lot to do with the DANGERS of HUMAN BODY MODIFICATION and SHIP OUTPUT AUTOMATION.

And then i woke up. 😦

I don’t know (YET) what any of this means, but the “air ships” have been in these kind of dreams EVERY SINGLE TIME, and AT ALL TIMES they were ANTI-POPULACE WEAPON PLATFORMS (i don’t know what else to call them, except that their entire purpose was to SUBDUE POPULATIONS with GUNS or other kinds of weapons whose bearing or attitude were ALWAYS POINTED DOWN AT THE GROUND, NEVER UP at other “ships” — ALWAYS FOCUSED DOWN ON THE PEOPLE on the ground!

And most times when i see these air ships, there are like 30 or 50 of them all in the sky of different makes and models, and various kinds appearing and disappearing in the (always at) night sky, at various times… But in this dream it was only 2 or 3 different kinds of air ships, and not the full gamut of various designs that appeared.

Something deep in my psyche, my soul, literally is afraid of these right-now-“fictional” machines of travel.

I DO NOT KNOW IF ANYTHING LIKE THESE “air ships” ACTUALLY EXIST. But when i first saw the very first Avengers movie, with the hover-power aircraft carrier in it, I FREAKED OUT and said it was basically like that ship, except it did not use rotors or air power to move around…

Somehow these ships stay aloft by some kind of energy manipulation, and this latest ship actually “wriggled” about like a fish in it’s rear or aft side…. I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANY OF THEM EVER DO THAT BEFORE. So once i awoke, i started thinking that maybe the reason why it did that is BEING SHOWN TO ME (by God? who knows?) that maybe the reason they are able to stay aloft, suspended in air, yet able to propel itself around, that that is “like a fish” (which is buoyant in water but not in air) is that somehow, scientists have figured out a way to make giant airships capable of being buoyant in air the same way fish or submarines are, in water. BUT HOW?

HOW would someone, scientifically or technologically, fashion or make these giant, VERY VERY HEAVY “air ships” able to float or move about, in mid-air, the same way fish can determine their cruising or floating depth, in water? SINCE WHEN was the matter of “buoyancy” anything to do with AIR or ENERGY instead of it only ever having had to do with normal WATER?

This is the kind of crap my brain pulls on me between 4 and 7 am… lol

And trust me, this is most definitely NOT my first time having “dreams” (read: FREAKING NIGHTMARES!!!)… just like this one… but probably the 20th or 30th time! 😦


As a FORMER ACTIVIST, here’s why I LOVE to use the “4K Downloader” app, to fetch videos from the internet and archive them for my own personal use

So I USED to be an activist (I no longer am, but that is a whole other story)…

And I KNOW that RIDICULOUS and PIGGISH websites like Youtube ROUTINELY censors information that it (or elites) does not like. And i personally DO NOT BELIEVE in so-called (western or American style) “intellectual property” law… I also realize that certain forms or posts of information, especially some video content, deserves to be backed up (archived) and LOCALLY SAVED to a private personal computer for that own person’s FAIR USE.

THIS is why i love to use the program for Windows, called “4K Downloader”, created by Open Media, LLC.  (You can download and try it, here:  https://www.4kdownload.com/products/product-videodownloader/?r=free_license )

4K Downloader is a great program or application for Windows PCs that lets you download videos from many popular websites (like Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, GIPHY, IMGURL, and maybe some other unsavory sites as well). You can choose which container or file format to download the video in (MP4 or MKV are the only 2 choices i have seen thus far, but i think i have also seen cell phone formats such as 3GP as well?).  You can also choose at which resolution (high or low, decreed by various resolution standards such as 240p, 640, 720p, 1080p, 4K, and many in between)…. You can also choose where the download folder is located, and how many jobs to involve in the downloading of each file, AND how many files to attempt downloading all at once. If anything ever happens to interrupt the download, it will allow you to re-attempt that same download (called an HTTP RESUME) as far later as you want — EVEN if you close the program and re-open it a week or so later.  UNTIL YOU CHOOSE to remove a video in it’s hopper-like download list, it will KEEP a memory of it in it’s own list, waiting for you to decide what you want to do with that given video or audio file, at any moment.

Personally i do not use it for “piracy” (because i do NOT NEED to.  I use it only for freely available and already accessible content already on most public and LEGAL websites.)  I USE IT because I LOVE certain (maybe popular) videos on the internet and i just want to have local copies of them.  I LOVE that i can use this program to do so, and how (if i want) i can also rip MP3 audio/music files from posted OST (original sound track, like from movies) videos on youtube as well.  I also love that it lets you download in as many “threads” (multiple download jobs) as you want (though i find the default setting to be the most stable).  I was about to pay for this program but then the company (Open Media LLC) that develops the app (4K Downloader) said (as seen here:  https://www.4kdownload.com/announcement/flk?source=c2-freelicensekey-r1 ) … that if i write my own review of their program, (as a form of advertising, I guess), that i can then get my own fully activated license for using the program “for free” (just as long as i give them good props and P.R. heh).

Another great feature it has, is you can download entire playlists of videos or audio files (this feature is limited without an activated license but it does let you do so for awhile before it ever complains.  I think i have downloaded about 400 videos with this app so far, and not only a few playlists in entirety!!!). One of my favorite things to do with it is to sometimes grab AUDIOBOOKS or SOUNDTRACKS as posted by people, from movies and things like that.  Speeches (of any kind) are also a great type of media to obtain with this!

Here’s an image of MY OWN USE of the program (a snapshot actually taken from my own desktop PC):

4K Downloader


I love this program because it does basically what i have always wanted in a downloader — though i think the FREE and OPEN SOURCE “youtube-dl” program (found in most GNU open source package distributions works a LOT better and with more websites … and you can find that for Windows too).  But while I must admit that the FREE “youtube-dl” app works A LOT BETTER than 4K Downloader does, 4K is still a lot more faster to open and EASIER to use.  No stripping or de-mangling of the text or HTTP arguments in URLs are needed or to be adjusted on the command line before using it (sometimes you DO need to do this to obtain certain content from Facebook videos — if you know what you are doing, and I do). It is simple and fast and all you need is a URL copied to the clipboard before clicking on the “Paste URL” button.  With youtube-dl, you have to have some knowledge of how to work a command line FIRST.  NOT SO with 4K Downloder!!  It is SUPER EASY with this program — even if it will NOT download from as many varities of websites as youtube-dl does (because it is far more powerful — albeit with a learning curve that will make newbies shy away).

Here is a CAVEAT however — a short list of some websites (that many activists tend to use) that 4K Downloader will (sadly) NOT YET work with:

(All of those websites are THE TOP ACTIVIST sites that people tend to use nowadays that DO NOT CENSOR ANY MEDIA uploaded to them.  The app also does NOT work with most porn sites — but let’s be honest: is that really necessary?  lol)

That is the PRIMARY reason why 4K Downloader CANNOT EARN a perfect 5-star review from me… (see below). It does, however, claim to work on “most” other websites… though i have not tested it literally everywhere.

Additionally, I must note that I do not normally like or use “smart mode” (a feature of the program, indicated by the giant lightbulb button or icon at top of the interface on the app) because i prefer to be the one doing the “thinking” when i am trying to carefully curate how the download of my desired media, should go. But some people might find it intuitive and possibly even easier to use the app in that way, than i do.   To each their own. I honestly do not know if the algorithms in this part of the program work any good?  Because I have been too afraid to try it lol

Well, here’s my review. I HIGHLY recommend people try this GREAT program and i am looking forward to (hopefully) getting my free license now that i advertised a blurb for this good company — you have to admit, that most software developers would have NAGGED ME TO REGISTER like YEARS ago. But this program BARELY EVER NAGS you!!!  And i have been using this software for MANY YEARS now, and i was about to pay to register JUST BECAUSE THEY DESERVE IT — but i figure: i am poor and disabled, so … and then i saw their promotion to get a license by writing a blog post, so … this is the next best and easiest way for me! 🙂

Download and TRY IT, TODAY!!! Link below:


Cheers!  And for any of the rest of you that ARE activists, you WILL NOT be disappointed to use this great tool in backing up videos that YOU KNOW DO NEED to be PRESERVED AND ARCHIVED for POSTERITY for the sake of ALL HUMANITY (and to be PROTECTED against CENSORSHIP by those whose desires towards TYRANNICAL OPPRESSION are sadly, yet unstopped).

And it’s really nice to be able to burn some media to DVD or Blu-Ray too — and this great tool can help you get started! I have put together entire compilations of videos that have finally gone off to my own personally burned DVDs or Blu-Rays, and where I have used this tool to add “filler” videos of fetched media from the internet — like interviews and media soundbites etc. — in order to fill-out the other remaining space of my burned media, just so i won’t be wasting unused space.

Final review:

FOUR STARS out of 5.  (Because of how EASY all of it’s features are to use, but minus 1 star from a total of 5 ONLY because it’s #1 and FREE competitor, the open-source “youtube-dl”, is far more powerful in the types of websites and URLs that it can handle). There are still a lot of websites that 4K downloader cannot do and that is my only real sad disappointment with this otherwise SUPERB product!



ProphetPX SYSPREP_2007 – My own preparations & personal procedures for renewing installations on my PCs, since 1997

Sometime around 1997, I wrote out a long list of things, on a public PC repair technician forum, of what i would routinely do when first setting up a new Personal Computer (PC). I kept that list updated until around 2007 where I just became focused on other not-so-techy or PC-related things. I later saved that public comment into a private document on my computer and then archived it away for the future.

Well, last week, I finally came back to that old document and I had a look. My, was it outdated! But I also thought there might be some good ideas in it, which are still very valid for today. So I thought I would share it, and partially out of a need for motivation of my own later updating this same list (of my own personal procedures for the objectives that I thought were either necessary to have or to achieve in order to “ready” a PC for the longevity of my own daily use, etc.), down the road.

So here is the list, in it’s latest form (almost no updates have been performed on this list since 2007, and if any editing is evident therein, it was only minor). I do intend on updating this list, at least as far as what i would have been doing since February of 2012 when I acquired (purchased) my latest PC in part-form and assembled it all together. Alas, the year is now 2019 and it is hard to imagine I have had my newest PC for exactly 7 years and 1 month already!

Stay tuned for an updated list of my fresh (post-OS installation) procedures — or at least, what I myself typically would have done or installed on a new PC, circa 1997 and later.

As you will see, it is quite dated, as the PC i owned before this current one WAS purchased in 1997, just after the era of Windows 95, and there are glaringly obvious details in this list dating all the way up past Windows XP and perhaps a smidgen of detail about Windows 7 in the last-most edits.

And, most striking of which, since the PC paradigm has now greatly changed since those old days, and now with the modern advent of Windows 10, and having had Metro apps since Vista or Seven, a lot of the software I have listed here is just no longer necessary for things I needed or wanted at the time, and so the “DANGER! CAUTION!” flag needs to profoundly go out to the masses, that a lot of the tools and apps on this list are now OBSOLETE and may be UNNECESSARY for use on any modern machine.

So, here it is (in it’s latest yet still mostly-original form, as found on a comment/reply on a public PC-tech forum), somewhat in outline-form:



What do you install after a Windows re-format?

… The ONLY person on here whom i can even come close to respecting is the person who says “5000 updates!” LMAO

ok now, Seriously … this is what I would do, and of course, a MANDATORY REBOOT between EACH itemized updated line.

BEFORE installing a Windows OS (of any kind) …

I. I first: *** ONLY IF NEEDED *** Update the BIOS of the Motherboard (very carefully) to the latest rendition

— I then install Windows XP SP2 Pro / SP2 MediaCenter2005 —
(My preferred user-editions of XP is so far the “XP SP2 9in1” compilation, I have yet to try others like UWI or make my own with BartPE or nLite)
(NOTE: I never connect the PC to any network at all, till way down near the end of my list)

II. Install / update the appropriate RAID or SCSI drivers during installation, then reboot (If I don’t have the latest ones on hand then I update them AFTER installation if I can find newer ones …

III. Install AutoPatcher (it is a substitute for going through Microsoft’s own Update site. It is wholly downloaded offline FIRST before I do ANYTHING)
A. AutoPatcher was officially DISCONTINUED as of this morning, TODAY (8-29-2007). But you can still find some copies floating around on BitTorrent trackers on the internet, as is here:
1. Last known AutoPatcher BitTorrent Tracker: http://autopatcher.m2ys4u.co.uk/mystats.php
B. This list also includes:
1. Internet Explorer 7 – http://www.microsoft.com/ie/
2. Windows Media Player 11 – http://www.microsoft.com/wmp/
3. Windows Defender v2 Beta (FREE) – http://www.microsoft.com/defender/
4. Microsoft’s .NET/FX CLR, versions: 1.0, v2.0, and v3.0
5. Windows PowerShell CLI
6. XP PowerTools
7. TreeSize Free
8. StartUpCPL
9. StartUp Monitor
10. DIR2File
11. SyncToy
12. TweakUI/XP
13. CopyProfile
14. PowerMenu
15. Windows Uptime Tool
16. IE SpellCheck
17. Google Toolbar
18. ClearType Tuner
19. Virtual Desktop Manager
20. ???
IV. Update Motherboard Chipset Drivers (includes Thermal instrumentation),
A. plus hardware info tools:
1. Ariolic ActiveSMART,
2. wCPUID,
3. Crystal CPUID,
4. CPUz,
6. Dimm_ID,
8. SoftFSB (for info only! NEVER ADJUST!)
9. 3Com’s Network Adapter Diagnostic tray applet + DOS config tool
10. HD Tachometer
B. Filesystem Drivers:
1. ExtIFS/32 v1.2C for linux ext2/3 filesystem driver, for accessing my other partitions that also use Debian Linux
2. SwapFS (for using the linux swap partition as extra Windows Swap Space)
3. CramFS (for using USB Memory Stick drives as a V/RAM booster similiar to Vista’s “ReadyBoost”)
4. ROMFS (for accessing the ESCD/NVRAM area of my BIOS CMOS)
5. GmailFS (for remote file storage on GMail accounts)

V. Update MS DirectX
A. Install the DX9 control panel applet

VI. Update Video Card drivers (includes OpenGL stuff, if needed). Right now I use Official ATI Radeon Catalyst drivers.
A. Also includes installing vendor and chipset specific tools and apps for that video card specifically.
B. ATI’s Catalyst Control Center
C. ATI’s DVD Hardware Decoder driver
D. ATI’s MediaPlayer app (which needs WMV Encoder 9)
E. ATI RemoteWonder (USB) RF/Wireless Remote Control installation
F. Rage3D Tweaker CCC (newest versions work with Radeons)
G. Install Promixis.NL “Girder” for more Remote Control use
H. Install ATI-Util
I. Install ATI-Tool
J. Install Sci-Tech GLDirect v5
K. Install EnTech PowerStrip + DPMS ScreenSaver extender shim
L. Register (RegSvr32): GDIPlus.dll

VII. Update all Network Adapter drivers
A. I always setup my LAN for static IPs with NAT and QoS forwarding from my Linksys NAS Router

VIII. Update Sound card drivers, including, after driver installation:
A. OpenAL
B. ACE Codec Pack (which includes FFDshow / h.264),
C. OGG/Theora,
D. MPC+ Pro (Thompson),
E. APE and MonkeyAudio,
F. FLAC support,
G. Aud-X,
H. FMOD/32
I. AudioShell
J. XVid and DivX
K. Matroska (MKV)
L. Selective parts of HellNinjaCommando’s OLD “DefilerPak” which includes Digital HD A/V/TV/content hardware tools
M. Vodei
N. On2 VP7 Codec
O. VobSub
P. TechSmith’s EnSharpen Decoder
Q. AC3 ACM + AC3Filter
R. Sony DTS codec (RARE!!)
S. WMV 9 Capture Encoder/Decoder
T. Cyberlink ATI H.264 codec/driver
U. ADAPTEC ASPI drivers (“install.bat install XP32”)

IX. Update drivers for ALL PERIPHERALS (this includes Parallel and Serial devices, and USB, whatever).
A. Installation of applications for handling my APC UPS unit (USB)
B. PC-Linq2 for my USB file-transfer cable system (it is like “LapLink” but different – APC brand)

X. NEXT I install any manufacturer-related software (the big vendors make their own tools for wireless, windows help extensions, display controls, and the like…). Laptops and consumer-oriented “factory preassembled” desktops are heavy-laden with big vendor brand software (and NO I am not talking about the extra “fluff” they install afterwards like spyware and “crap-ware” and junkware).

XI. NEXT I connect all Network and USB hubs, including my Raritan KVM unit
A. which then entails installing all drivers for peripherals detected thusly
1. (my KVM Switch doesn’t require any drivers, it just has updateable firmware) …

XII. Then my current list of preferred security solutions:
A. WinXP Firewall + ZoneAlarm Net Security Suite (yes, the total package)
B. and Anti-Virus (the latest ZoneAlarm switched to using Kaspersky code now)
C. and Anti-Spam measures (ZA includes Mail Frontier Anti-Spam filtering)
D. and Identity-Theft, OSFireWall, and Intrusion-Detection measures (using ZoneAlarm, again)
E. and Anti-Spyware:
1. the Zone Alarm Anti-Spyware scanning module
2. JavaCool’s Spyware Blaster,
3. LavaSoft’s Ad-Aware 2007 + RegHance,
4. SpyBot Search & Destroy – all updated
(currently I mostly rely on Zone Alarm’s Net Security Suite for handling ALL of items “a” through “d” and part of “e”, above)

F. HOST-file protection (programs: IE Spy Ads, and “No-AD Hosts”)
G. Phoenix Labs’ PeerGuardian 2 for spyware/trojan/advertisement blocklists, Unsafe/Restricted sites blocklists. (note: it is NOT just for “P2P users” ya know).
H. AnalogX ScriptDefender, a Script-execution protection tool
I. More System Protection Apps:
1. MS Windows Defender (updated),
2. HiJack This! for Diagnosis on web forums,
3. KillBox,
4. Foxie Firewall Suite for Internet Explorer, an ActiveX and script protection subsystem
5. SE Config XP,
6. Windows’ Global Policy Editor (most people overlook this one)
7. Glary Utilities + Registry Repair (very impressive!!)
J. Anti-RootKit tools:
1. GMER,
2. RK_Unhooker,
3. IceSword,
4. MS SysInternals’ RootKit Revealer
K. Sys Internals (now owned by Microsoft) “WINternals” and “PS Tools” stuff:
1. Process Explorer,
2. Sync,
3. Contig,
4. PageDefrag,
5. TCPview, etc …
L. Unlocker Assistant, Windows PreFetch Cleaner Control
M. AnalogX stuff: (BitPump, Capture, CallerID, NetStat Live, FastCache, ITR Client, etc…)

—- NOW I may connect the computer to the internet AFTER it is fully safe and protected and updated.

N. Messengers:
1. Pidgin IM (formerly known as GAIM) or Finch – http://www.Pidgin.im/
It handles ALL of the following protocols (except Skype and PalTalk) and many many more!
2. GoogleTalk AND GMail Notifier
3. XFire,
4. AIM,
5. Yahoo,
6. Skype,
7. “aMSN” (NO not Microsoft’s shitty MSN),
8. PalTalk
9. ICQ maybe
O. mIRC + GTS.dll + Protection Scripts, and maybe xChat for windows
P. DaemonTools (minus it’s spyware toolbar)
Q. Chameleon Clock v3, Really Slick ScreenSavers
R. Google Desktop Search
S. Weatherbug (some might not like it and yes it is Ad-ware but I like knowing the weather)
T. Media Players:
1. Artur Sikora’s “SubEdit Player” for subtitle editing (but by far it is the fastest-seeking mediaplayer out there and it uses WMP functionality to do so).
2. VideoLAN (VLC)
3. Miro/Democracy Player
4. Foobar2000
5. WinAmp + the following plugins:
a. DFX (registered – a must have)
b. AudioScrobbler for http://www.Last.fm
c. Jump To File Extra
d. Monkey’s Audio (APE)
e. Thompson MP3+Pro (MPC)
f. Illiminable OGG Theora, AND OGM video support
h. IN_ZIP.dll (can read RAR and ACE too)
i. IN_SID.dll (retro C64 SID files)
j. ReplayGain exe
k. AlbumLister
6. Google Video Player
7. Checking for functionality with the “5iVe” (“FiVe or 5 V”) popular web video helpers: VEOH, Vimeo, VideoEgg, Vodei, Vuze (aka Azureus).
8. RatDVD + RAT Attack + MediaPlayer Classic mods
9. CyberLink PowerDVD (+ plugin for ATI RemoteWonder)
10. MediaPlayer Classic 6.4.90
11. BS Player
12. Zoom Player
13. Crystal Player
U. Hamachi (“LogMeIn”) for file-sharing
V. OllyDebug, PEID, and BPSoft Hex Workshop for exploring files
W. MS BootVis, MS User Profile Hive Cleanup Service (if not installed with AutoPatcher),
X. Archivers:
1. WinZip,
2. WinRAR,
3. WinACE,
4. 7-Zip,
5. UltraISO,
6. Floppy / BootCD tools:
i. WinImager,
ii. 2m.exe,
iii. FDFormat,
iv. MS CreateCD Optimizer,
v. Virtual Floppy Disk (VFD) driver
7. dos-mode tools like:
i. AIP-NL UltraCompressor 3 R2,
ii. ha,
iii. hap,
iv. hpack,
v. bzip2,
vi. arc,
vii. arj,
viii. sqz,
ix. acb
x. CRUSH v1.8 archive file optimizer
Y. CacheMan, GetDiz, CrapCleaner, Restoration, Recuva …
Z. Creative Element PowerTools

XIII. THEN I might bother with installing ANY / ALL “applications” …
A. CPU Fan/Idle, and Motherboard Monitor 5 for thermal events (which needs internet updates during install)
B. cFosSpeed v3 (for QoS/NAT/RIP+ Routing Priority Traffic-shaping on my network adapter when I am gaming/streaming/downloading/browsing)
C. Proxomitron, and Privoxy + TOR + Vidalia Control
D. I2P and/or FreeNet (if needed)
E. Browsers (with Mozilla-similiar products I use the “Modern Aluminum Theme” on all):
1. Mozilla Firefox – with Firefox, I use the following extra plugins and extensions at minimum:
a. AdBlock Plus
b. AdBlock Plus G.FilterSet Updater (I also used to use DutchBlock before it was phased out)
c. WinDizUpdate (another Windows Update clone)
d. NoScript (JavaScript website security)
e. DownloadThemAll (another download manager)
f. VideoDownloader
g. FlashGot
h. FoxyProxy
i. FasterFox for speeding up network connections inside FireFox
j. del.icio.us net bookmarking system
k. NukeAnything
l. ForeCastFox / AccuWeather Plus
m. Fusion/Fission
n. TabMix Plus
o. SafeCache
p. StumbleUpon
q. MR Tech Local Install
r. CustomizeGoogle
s. InfoRSS
t. FireFTP
u. WebDeveloper Extension
v. ImageZoom
w. PDF Downloader
x. InfoLister
y. GreaseMonkey + Platypus
z. Google Web Accelerator
aa. JavaScript Options
ab. The “Organize Status Bar” add-on (VERY IMPORTANT with the increase in FX addon bloat !!)
2. Flock with PhotoBucket support
3. Avant Browser 11 for MSIE, because let’s face it, both IE6 and IE7 are dog-ass slow and STILL BUGGY, take forever to start up, and it is just plain FASTER to use an app that USES THEM than it is to use the original Internet Explorer. Enough said.
4. Opera 9 with widgets,
5. lynx (DOS/CLI/ANSI),
6. NVU Webpage Editor (built from the ground up based on the old Netscape Webpage Composer)
7. BradSoft TopStyle CSS Editor
F. IDE Development tools:
1. Adobe/Macromedia Suite (PhotoShop, DreamWeaver, Flash, Director, ColdFusion Server, FreeHand, Audition, JRun, etc…)
2. Eclipse IDE, ActiveState Komodo, ANT, PHP_Edit,
3. Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 + MSDN October 2005 Edition (perhaps – not necessary too much yet)
4. RegEx Coach
5. ActiveState’s ActivePERL
6. WinLAMP (includes Apache, ModPerl, PHP)
7. NetBEANS IDE for Java Development
G. Sun JAVA 6 (first removing Microsoft’s JVM via AutoPatcher, etc…)
H. Adobe (Acrobat) READER, FoxIt PDF Reader,
I. Thunderbird + Lightning, OR Sunbird (Email and Calendar apps)
J. FlashGet,
K. Software for System Optimization:
1. XP Smoker Pro v5
2. Dachsund Programs:
a. Anti-Crash,
b. Hare,
c. Zoom,
d. And if it is a laptop:
i. Battery Doubler
ii. JiggleMouse
L. DOSbox and D-Fend, WinVICE, Cloanto AmigaForever! and WinUAE, a ZIL app, and/or ScummVM … for cheap emulator gaming thrills
M. SandBoxIE, GreenBorders, Bochs32, VMWare (Server + Player)
N. http://www.LvlLord.de’s Event ID#4226 Patcher (for more than 10 open ports via patching WinXP’s TCPIP.sys)
O. CableNUT + CableNUT Expansion (more .ccs settings for Adjuster) – this is for optimizing internet bandwidth.
P. PSPad, Aurora Editor v3.0C, QEdit/TSE Jr. 4.0, and NotePadPlus (hey, windows notepad sucks ok)
Q. PuTTY SUITE (pageant, etc…) + WinSCP
R. A 3rd-party Hard Disk Defragmenter (Raxco’s PerfectDisk, O&O’s, Executive Systems’, or UltraDefragmenter)
S. JPSoft’s “4NT” CLI and/or TakeCommand
T. CygWin/X
U. GNU shell utilities (WGET = I use alot! bash, tar, gzip, bzip2, ssh, etc…)
V. RealVNC, OpenSSH, RAdmin v2.1, Mikrotix’ The Dude, PRTG Traffic Grapher,
X. Total Commander
(probably more than this list however I can’t think of anymore right now).

XV. Important plugins:
A. Real Alternative
B. Quicktime Alternative
C. Adobe/Macromedia Flash,
D. Shockwave,
E. AuthorWare,
F. and SVG plugins
G. FlashGet for Opera (and Mozilla) plugin,
H. VLC plugin,
I. Windows Media Player plugin for Firefox,
J. MS Office plugin,
K. MozEx ActiveX for Mozilla plugin (used sometimes but DANGEROUSLY UNSAFE as IE is – you have been warned)
L. Microsoft SilverLight – If any of you like the new SilverLight by Microsoft, then this is another possibility to prepare for.

XVI. Other applications as needed:
A. Microsoft Office or Open Office (which install their own hooks into everything else)
B. Paint.net
C. Corel PaintShop Pro
D. eMule, SoulSeek, DCC++, Azureus, BitComet, AnalogX BitPump, BitTornado, XBT, uTorrent + updated ipfilter.dat,
E. TorrentSpy, MakeTorrent apps
F. CD/DVD burning applications:
1. NOTE: Regarding most Packet-Writing software for CD-RW’s and DVD-RW’s:
a. has always been NOTORIOUSLY unstable!
b. Known for MANY System Hangs / Crashes / Blue Screens of Death
c. I only install it for READING the CDRW’s I have already made over year’s past.
2. NOTE: Windows XP can burn CD file compilations natively, most people are just unaware of this.
3. Alcohol 120% (My preferred burner and imager, for simple things).
4. Nero Ultra v7.xxx (my preferred media creation tool for advanced things)
5. Roxio Media Creator (Used to be my favorite, for it’s unbeaten speed within earlier versions)
G. CDisplay, Picasa, Google Images RSS ScreenSaver,
H. TotalIdea’s FireTune (to tune-up FireFox before using it), and I miss the old IE ZAK
I. FLVPlayer, SafeFlash or GetFlash
J. A/V ripping / conversion apps:
1. GSpot,
2. GraphEdit,
3. GoldWave,
4. VirtualDub,
5. VirtualDubMod,
6. NANdub,
7. EAC (Exact Audio Copy),
8. dbPowerAmp AccurateRIP,
9. Tau Analyzer
K. RoadKil’s Unstoppable Copier, BurstCopy (for long file copy/move operations)
L. CRCheck32, SpeedySFV, md5summer, QuickPAR,
M. Naora Picker
N. The Godfather (the ABSOLUTE BEST FREE MP3 Library Tagger/Renamer/Organizer EVER!!)
O. Madotate v2.02, Windows Enabler, Resource Hacker, Resource Explorer
P. U3 Launcher for my USB key drive, which has the following portable apps on it:
1. Avast! Anti-Virus
2. Trillian IM
3. Medic-Alert personal medical information database
4. Find My U3 (a minimal Lo-Jack tracking / owner-alert system for lost/stolen U3 key drives)

XVII. (Then, ideally, this, my item 17, SHOULD be to make a Hard Disk IMAGE of all my system areas (ie: “ghosting” to an image file) but i have never had to do this very often yet. In a work environment however, this would be a strict need, beyond any doubt.)
A. I would do this by installing: Symantec Ghost, Acronis DiskImager, or PowerQuest’s imager…
1. Rebooting under 1 of those utilities or into a “LiveCD” whereas the installed Windows system is NOT running
2. Imaging all of the system areas to an external drive or 2nd/extra free/empty partition to hold the image file
3. Reboot the computer back into Windows
4. BURN the image file as a file onto a DVD 4/9GB Data disc.
B. Voila! System Functionality has been backed up, and now I have an Instant 911 Emergency System Restore DVD.
1. Possible later project ideas for this include making a Khauyeung-like BartPE / WinPE 911 “LiveCD” Restoration DVD
—– c’est ne finis pas —–

— ProphetPX AT Gmail DOT com


YOU have NOT been told THE TRUTH about “The #Holocaust”!!! See website The “HOLOCAUST DEPROGRAMMING COURSE” for how and why!


Originally my first comment on this website read as thus,

“There is SO MUCH ***REFRESHING*** “Breath of Fresh Air” INFORMATION here! Packed into this 1 GIANT webpage! I am, frankly, OVERWHELMED by all of it!!! “And you shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall set you FREE!” <– THIS is what i am sensing and feeling and thinking right now as i skim and pore over all of the data and information in this 1 long webpage. I have SAVED the complete webpage to my cloud and local computer, and i have made sure that it is archived on the Internet Archive (but i did not need to – some smart person did that a year or 2 ago already!!! GREAT!). I hope everyone in the entire world at least tests their mettle by evaluating the facts presented here.
I am very thankful to all the people who first woke my eyes up to these REVELATIONS!
My FIRST EVER exposure to this topic was via the famous “Holocaustianity” video. And since then, I’ve ordered some books from The Barnes Review (and other places, like Amazon before they started “burning books”) like the infamous Victor Thorn (whose book Exposing the Holocaust Hoax) is now a FAVORITE in my new possession.
THANK YOU for this wonderful website and all the work you have collated and published here!”

I still stand by my review and comment of the awesome amount of work they have done there. I suggest everyone who reads my blog to please go read their work on CHECKING, REFUTING, and DEBUNKING all the various MYTHS AND LIES which ALL of us were told about the so-called “Holocaust” of the “jews”.



Alex Jones Explains it’s Not The Jews Destroying the World | Jack Mullen


The primary and glaring missing information in Alex’s presentation was there was NO MENTION of the Jewish Religion, especially Orthodox Jewry, which is the steering force behind Israel’s politics and driving force behind world Zionism (Talmudic Jewish Racial Supremacism) and Communism (Talmudic political/economic system for Non Jews (goyim).)

It is not the Jewish Race, which is attempting to destroy Western Culture and dominate the world with a New World Order. It is Orthodox Jewry, following the teachings of the Talmud and using the trickery of the Kabbalah, and following the operational plan of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (Protocols), which seeks to enslave the world permanently.

Read more, here:

via Alex Jones Explains it’s Not The Jews Destroying the World | Jack Mullen


Video and Photo Gallery: SATANIC, Talmudic rabbinical Orthodox Judaism is the oldest recorded racist ideology in the world

“JEWS’ [SATANIC!] Talmudic rabbinical Orthodox Judaism is the oldest recorded racist ideology in the world as illustrated in the Talmudic verses:

“Those who are incapable of attaining to supreme religious values include the black colored people and those who resemble them in their climates. Their nature is like the mute animals. Their level among existing things is below that of a man and above that of a monkey.” — Rabbi Maimonides, Translation from the Hebrew Version


“What do modern Jews TRULY believe? BIBLE? or SATANIC PAGAN (Babylonian) OCCULT works, instead? TRUTH EXPOSED!”

THE FOLLOWING IS A LITERAL LISTING OF SOME THINGS JEWS SINCERELY AND TRUTHFULLY DO BELIEVE 100% and MANY OF THEM WILL ADMIT AND CONFESS these things to you, QUITE OPENLY (as was seen in the recent 2017 documentary movie, “Marching to Zion” which can be seen in the video linked ABOVE)

“The sole purpose of non Jews is to serve Jews. Why are Gentiles needed? They will work they will plow they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created. Gentiles were born only to serve us, without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve the people of Israel”
— Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the most influential Rabbi of Israel

The Talmud, among other aberrations, also tells us:

“All gentile children are animals”
— Yebamoth 98a

“Gentile girls are in a state of filth since birth”
— Abodah Zarah 36b

“A Jew may use lies to circumvent a gentile”
— Babakamma 113a.

“The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts”
— Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b

“The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the dog more than the non-Jew”
— Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30

“A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant animal”
— Coschen hamischpat 405

“The souls of non-Jews come from impure sprits and are called pigs”
— Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b

“Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human”
— Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b

“If you eat with a Gentile, it is the same as eating with a dog”
— Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b

“If a Jew has a non-Jewish servant or maid who dies, one should not express sympathy to the Jew. You should tell the Jew: “God will replace ‘your loss’, just as if one of his oxen or asses had died”
— Jore dea 377

“It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile”
— Sepher ikkarim III

“Sexual intercourse between Gentiles is like intercourse between animals”
— Talmud Sanhedrin 74b

“It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile.”
— Sepher ikkarim III c 25

“It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah”
— Coschen hamischpat 425 Hagah 425

“A heretic Gentile you may kill outright with your own hands”
— Talmud, Abodah Zara, 4b

“Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God”
— Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772

“‘Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.”
— Gittin 57a

“Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick.”
— Sanhedrin 107b

“Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness and refused to repent.”
— Sotah 47a

“Miriam (Virgin Mary) was a hairdresser who had sex with many men.”
— Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only

“She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) played the harlot with carpenters.”
— Sanhedrin 106a

“Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.”
— Rosh Hashanah 17a


These despicable quotes are just but a few examples. And yet, the masses have been so systematically brain-washed (and for so long) that they still think the Jews are the actual victims.

I guess supremacist globalist Jews do not really control the banks and conjure money out of thin air and “loan” it at interest. I guess this fraudulent, illegal apparatus does not function as an all-Jewish shadow government, or what I call, “the deep state” [AKA ISRAEL AKA AIPAC AKA Zionist JEWS and Sayanim, which creates all the wars and strife.

I guess the Jewish-created CIA and the Jewish IMF do not work together to bump off dozens of countries’ elected leadership to ensnare entire nations into predatory loan schemes that rob the nations blind, disenfranchising millions and killing everyone that stands in the way.

I guess Judaism does not really designate gentiles as loathsome sub-humans. That must be just another conspiracy theory cooked up by anti-Semites. Oy vey!

The evil gentiles must print fake Talmuds and Old Testaments just to make Jews look like a murderous, supremacist cult that will stop at nothing for world domination.

I guess Jews do not own and run the whole media or own every publishing house and control academia.

I guess they are just a marginal people with no power whatsoever, and millions of people just believe wrongly that they are to blame for the world’s problems.

I guess they were not behind communism and the cold-blooded murder of over 100 million Russians.

I guess they did not really commit numerous genocides all over the world too numerous to mention. The evil, rotten non-Jews just made it all up because they have superstitious hatred and fear of Jews for no reason at all!

Oh, and Jews do not really illegally occupy 96% of Palestine and commit atrocities daily against the rightful inhabitants.

And I guess some really clever Muslims with box-cutters really did 9/11.

I guess Larry Silverstein did not admit to demolishing WTC 7. That must have been a CGI fake interview.

Saddam Hussein must have really had weapons of mass destruction and that, that was not just the Israelis making up fake intelligence and using AIPAC to railroad America into a serious of genocidal wars for the Jewish state’s expansion.

Oh, and the “homicidal gas chambers” can have big glass windows and leaky wooden doors and no ventilation system. The “Nazis” used magic to make them work. In fact, you can just stroll right into a gas chamber right after it was used.

And I guess the USS Liberty attacked itself and then falsely blamed Israel out of irrational spite for Jews.

I guess ISIS is an organic organization that does not receive all its money from Zionist proxies in the Middle East.

And of course, Presidents Putin and Assad are “dictators”. Oy vey!

I guess Iran and Syria really need a Rothschild central bank. Let’s invade them and bring them democracy!

I end this article with a potent quote from Alexander Solzhenitsyn:
“For a Jew, nothing is more insulting than the truth.”

(Partial) Source: http://katehon.com/article/truth-about-supremacist-judaism-no-one-dares-say

Photo gallery of MORE THAN a HUNDRED+ PHOTOS which backs ALL of these points up FAR FURTHER than what I just cited:


The Dutroux Affair and #PizzaGate #PedoGate – OR: WHY do so many CHILDREN ALWAYS go MISSING?!

Marc Dutroux Belgium Pedophile Network. #PizzaGate Related


“The case of abduction and murder against Belgium’s infamous pedophile Marc Dutroux remains unresolved. He has not been brought to book for these heinous crimes. There appears to be a steel veil drawn over the facts at the highest level and no one is prepared to expose those involved in this blatant cover-up. Is this Belgian justice? The Belgian justice system appears paralysed, unable to prosecute Dutroux, his wife or the third alleged accomplice, all now spending their sixth year behind bars. Each year of imprisonment without trial strengthens their case against the Belgian authorities for a breach of their human rights. So why the delay? The official answer is that a series of hysterical conspiracy theories forced investigators to search for pedophile networks, which didn’t exist. But for observers of this debacle, that’s exactly what didn’t happen. Far from being investigated, leads pointing to a network seem rather to have been blocked or buried.”


I was abused almost all of my life, and indeed i was almost murdered at only 4 years old. But this article basically addressed the less harsh aspects of my childhood abuse in the form of how we communicate with each other, via SARCASM — and it really hit home with me. Apparently, sarcasm is a SIN, and this article really explained how, and it makes a lot of sense to me.

READ HERE: http://www.thomasumstattd.com/2008/06/the-sin-of-sarcasm/


Fitness tracker map compromises US military bases & patrol routes — Truth Broadcast Network

Why is this any surprise? ALL “FIT BITS” and such like that WERE ALWAYS meant to be ESPIONAGE (read: SPY) DEVICES!!! People have NO CONCEPT of “Op Sec[urity]” anymore!!  AMERICA WILL ALL DIE.


Terrorists, militants and other irregular forces who don’t use jogging apps may have a tactical advantage after a worldwide heatmap by fitness tracking app Strava exposed the possible locations of hi-tech force deployments. READ MORE: https://on.rt.com/8xxt RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Telegram https://t.me/rtintl Follow us…

via Fitness tracker map compromises US military bases & patrol routes — Truth Broadcast Network


GOD (or just the STARS THEMSELVES!) can play havoc-style POOL
Computer Glitches & Electronic VOTING MACHINE errors
can be caused by COSMIC RAYS!!
(NOT JUST ” #RussianHackers “)

The Los Alamos National Lab wrote in 2012 that “For over 20 years the military, the commercial aerospace industry, and the computer industry have known that high-energy neutrons streaming through our atmosphere can cause computer errors.” Now an anonymous reader quotes Computerworld:

When your computer crashes or phone freezes, don’t be so quick to blame the manufacturer. Cosmic rays — or rather the electrically charged particles they generate — may be your real foe. While harmless to living organisms, a small number of these particles have enough energy to interfere with the operation of the microelectronic circuitry in our personal devices… particles alter an individual bit of data stored in a chip’s memory. Consequences can be as trivial as altering a single pixel in a photograph or as serious as bringing down a passenger jet.

A “single-event upset” was also blamed for an electronic voting error in Schaerbeekm, Belgium, back in 2003. A bit flip in the electronic voting machine added 4,096 extra votes to one candidate. The issue was noticed only because the machine gave the candidate more votes than were possible. “This is a really big problem, but it is mostly invisible to the public,” said Bharat Bhuva. Bhuva is a member of Vanderbilt University’s Radiation Effects Research Group, established in 1987 to study the effects of radiation on electronic systems.

Cisco has been researching cosmic radiation since 2001, and in September briefly cited cosmic rays as a possible explanation for partial data losses that customer’s were experiencing with their ASR 9000 routers.

Trial of Tears – Dream Theater