Why Monarchy Is Better For Christians than Democracy – a Very Popular View in Russia — Apokalyps Nu!

“NO KING but KING JESUS!” was the war cry of the First American Revolution, circa 1776.

11-03-19 08:55:00, “Democracies and republics are fundamentally only concerned with whatever might be the will of their voters, and therefore, they are fundamentally not concerned with questions of what constitutes objective Truth, whether such Truth exists, or how to best lead a nation’s people toward that Truth” The view that monarchy is the best form of government is very […]

via Why Monarchy Is Better For Christians than Democracy – a Very Popular View in Russia — Apokalyps Nu!

YOU have NOT been told THE TRUTH about “The #Holocaust”!!! See website The “HOLOCAUST DEPROGRAMMING COURSE” for how and why!


Originally my first comment on this website read as thus,

“There is SO MUCH ***REFRESHING*** “Breath of Fresh Air” INFORMATION here! Packed into this 1 GIANT webpage! I am, frankly, OVERWHELMED by all of it!!! “And you shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall set you FREE!” <– THIS is what i am sensing and feeling and thinking right now as i skim and pore over all of the data and information in this 1 long webpage. I have SAVED the complete webpage to my cloud and local computer, and i have made sure that it is archived on the Internet Archive (but i did not need to – some smart person did that a year or 2 ago already!!! GREAT!). I hope everyone in the entire world at least tests their mettle by evaluating the facts presented here.
I am very thankful to all the people who first woke my eyes up to these REVELATIONS!
My FIRST EVER exposure to this topic was via the famous “Holocaustianity” video. And since then, I’ve ordered some books from The Barnes Review (and other places, like Amazon before they started “burning books”) like the infamous Victor Thorn (whose book Exposing the Holocaust Hoax) is now a FAVORITE in my new possession.
THANK YOU for this wonderful website and all the work you have collated and published here!”

I still stand by my review and comment of the awesome amount of work they have done there. I suggest everyone who reads my blog to please go read their work on CHECKING, REFUTING, and DEBUNKING all the various MYTHS AND LIES which ALL of us were told about the so-called “Holocaust” of the “jews”.



Alex Jones Explains it’s Not The Jews Destroying the World | Jack Mullen


The primary and glaring missing information in Alex’s presentation was there was NO MENTION of the Jewish Religion, especially Orthodox Jewry, which is the steering force behind Israel’s politics and driving force behind world Zionism (Talmudic Jewish Racial Supremacism) and Communism (Talmudic political/economic system for Non Jews (goyim).)

It is not the Jewish Race, which is attempting to destroy Western Culture and dominate the world with a New World Order. It is Orthodox Jewry, following the teachings of the Talmud and using the trickery of the Kabbalah, and following the operational plan of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (Protocols), which seeks to enslave the world permanently.

Read more, here:

via Alex Jones Explains it’s Not The Jews Destroying the World | Jack Mullen


DRM Removal Tools for eBooks

this is great!!! Remove DRM from e-books

Apprentice Alf’s Blog

Version 7.2.1 released on 11 April, 2021

Welcome to Apprentice Alf’s blog

This blog is intended to help anyone looking for free and simple software for removing DRM from their Kindle ebooks, stripping DRM from their Adobe Digital Editions ebooks, getting rid of DRM from their Barnes and Noble ebooks, freeing their Kobo ebooks of DRM, or decrypting their Fictionwise eReader ebooks.

If you want to find out more about ebooks, DRM and why you will probably want to remove the DRM from your ebooks, see this post:  Ebook Formats, DRM and You — A Guide for the Perplexed.

If you already know that you want to strip the DRM from your ebooks, you’ve found the right place.

The Tools

To get started on removing DRM from your ebooks, just download the tools archive from the link below. Unzip the archive, and start reading.

The latest release can be…

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JOHN KIRIAKOU: CIA Should Get Out of the Laboratory


The C.I.A. has long had labs, whether overt or covert, where terrible things happened.

Aerial view of CIA headquarters in Langley, VA. (Carol M. Highsmith, Wikimedia Commons)

The Central Intelligence Agency announced in October 2020 — which was ignored until just the past few weeks, when it began circulating on social media — that it had launched something called C.I.A. Labs, “a federal laboratory and in-house research and development arm for C.I.A. to drive science and technology breakthroughs for tomorrow’s intelligence challenges.”

The Agency says that C.I.A. Labs will join with a network of more than 300 other federal laboratories and that it will serve as a “research partner for other labs, academia, and industry in disciplines spanning from artificial intelligence and biotechnology to quantum computing and advanced materials manufacturing.”

read more at https://consortiumnews.com/2022/12/27/john-kiriakou-cia-should-get-out-of-the-laboratory/

R3publicans https://R3publican.Wordpress.Com [End]

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No Charge Advice to the CREC on the Issue of Proposed Memorials — Iron Ink

The Kinists continue to make a splash in the Ecclesiastical world. The splash is usually in the form of those reputed to be pillars in the church spitting out our name like someone spitting out a mouthful of petrol after a siphoning event gone bad. It’s funny how Kinists are constantly referred to pejoratively as…

No Charge Advice to the CREC on the Issue of Proposed Memorials — Iron Ink



That’s right! It’s that awkward time of the year that I almost wish didn’t come around. The time to tell Christians that the Christmas they’ve been celebrating all along has nothing to do with either the Jesus they worship or the Bible they claim to follow. It’s that time when nominal colors really begin to show, when compromising Christian folk will use all kinds of arguments and sickening excuses to justify their little Christmas idol. But as an iconoclast I have to smash it . . . . even at the cost of losing some ‘friends’ and family! So help me God!

THIS is what sets me apart from your average run of the mill preacher, beloved! I am not here to ‘win friends and influence people’ . . . I…

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Apocalyptic Dreams, and Aerial HARBINGERS of DOOM

While dreams don’t technically need to make a lot of sense, this is going to be a difficult post to write. Especially because a lot of it does make sense, just not so much right now in a very apparent way.

AND, to PREFACE, since this post DOES concern the topic of “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (which is NOT ALWAYS having to do with SILLY and RETARDED ideas of “little green men” or “visitors from outer space”, or “greys” etc…) YET IT DOES have to do with “close encounters of the X kind”, etc… then that is why i am posting it here.

MY LIFE has had a VERY LONG HISTORY of these kind of dreams, and they are NOT a forbidden topic here. I actually WANT and encourage people to share their “testimonies” or rather, EXPERIENCES and PERSONAL STORIES like this one!

AND, it can be terrifically THERAPEUTIC for many people to “dream log” what they experience while they sleep. I almost never do that, but this time i have.

Those who may know me — well — know that for whatever reason I know not why, i have tended to have had sort of “apocalyptic” dreams, IDK maybe “typical” “end of the world” type scenarios that end up playing their way out in my head when i sleep. It doesn’t occur every time i sleep, but fairly often…

This past night was no different. And dreams just like this one, with rare deviation, have been going on now for i think about 10 years or more…

Let me just get this out of the way now: THE IDEAL TIME to attack America is on July 4th. OBSCURING VISUAL and AUDITORY WEAPON experiences amidst a backdrop of fireworks and celebratory noises, OBSCURES IT WELL for some time… This was the backdrop of my dream, where amidst sudden flashes of firework celebrations and aerial phenomena, was lit up the phrase “Congratulations America on your … celebration”. Was it 2076, our TRICENTENNIAL? I doubt i will ever live that long. I’m almost 50 years old!

A BRIGHT FLASH lit up the night sky in the distance, right behind those celebratory fireworks and aerial messages, and while the people around me were all still cheering and clapping, and celebrating with each other… And then I exclaimed,

“That’s it! We’ve just been attacked by China!”

What kind of attack? a nuke? it did NOT LOOK LIKE a nuke, as it had only a flash and no real cloud pillar of smoke with it… But the sky WAS HAZY with either mist or smoke of another kind, hence why the aerial “blue beam” laser-like messages of letters of light were able to work and be part of the “celebration”.


Somehow, practically and almost literally SWIMMING through the sky, like fish, were these gigantic manned aerial platforms or “air ships”, as it were, which seemed to be drawn-to or attracted by whatever activity i was doing on my little laptop computer at that time.

I was outside at night, and sitting at a table with my laptop computer doing bit torrent downloading (and that was actually what i was doing before i fell asleep, in real life, too! lol So my subconscious is most definitely at-work here!!! AND AT NO TIME DID I FEEL “ILLEGAL” or “criminal”, NOR did my conscience ever make me feel “bad” EXCEPT when thinking that these air ships in the night sky were somehow “watching me” or suddenly taking notice of me OR WHAT MY COMPUTERS WERE DOING — some kind of electric activity scan???).

These giant air ships… they had dimensions of about a hundred feet tall, and 4 or 5 hundred feet long (THIS TIME, I never could see or calculate their width), and their lateral sides or bodies were lined here and there with long, streak-like lighted windows — or maybe scanning devices? something of purposeful activity. They appeared during, if not before… this “celebration”, and seemed to be sniffing their way around my parents’ back yard at night, and coming way too close to me, sitting there in that yard, at a table with my laptop, for my liking.

So i just sat there with my computer, WATCHING ONLY THESE SHIPS and NOT the fireworks or explosive flashes behind them… just watching them effortlessly “swim around” in the misty or smoky night sky… like some kind of giant, electric, cyber-anti-gravity space-whales.

I ALWAYS GET VERY VERY AFRAID of these kind of OMINOUS Aerial Platforms or “air ships” in my dreams because these kind of occurrences or situation happenstances have happened to me so MANY MANY MANY MANY TIMES! I think i under-estimate when i try to recall exactly how many times i have had dreams exactly like this one! But in this one, there were newer developments that happened to me that did not happen in the past 30 times or so that i have had these kind of dreams…

Suddenly, as this air ship went swimming about in the night sky above me, and as i watched it do so, ominously, for about 5 or 10 minutes, my rapt attention being entirely focused on watching it swim through the air, effortlessly, while every one of my neighbors were just outside at night watching the fireworks and celebrations and clapping and cheering, seeming to pay no mind at all to these ominous swimming platform airships, SUDDENLY from the background of my vision, or from a direction directly opposite of where i was facing, while my attention was literally focused only on these air ships…. SUDDENLY a modern and NON-ROTOR-based drone flies out at me, i think from the woods, and then GRABS ahold of my right arm with some kind of clasp or handcuff-like grasping claw device, and then just hovers or floats there, making noises, as it has grabbed ahold of my hand.

Meanwhile, of course, during all of this, the PILLAR OF FIRE that was going on JUST BEHIND the fireworks, all this time, gets brighter and less “fireworks”-like…

A woman in full military garb, looking all Starship-Troopers-like, helmet and body armor and all… She (I guess) had rappelled down from the airship, and lands a hundred feet from me, and comes walking up to me right there, in my own backyard, right as my right arm is up and being grabbed by this flying drone robot thing… And i am all scared out of my mind… Who is she and what is her purpose and did she really just come out of that flying air ship thing?? (I never saw her come out of it, just that she landed in my yard and was clearly FROM it…)

She appears suddenly out of nowhere, and then comes walking right up to me — right there in my own backyard!!! — and APOLOGIZES for the drone having attacked / attached / clasped ahold of and onto my arm, then removes it, i think… And then she says to me, while following my gaze up at the sky, now at the bright flashing BEHIND the fireworks and laser light show, saying,

“Yeah [you guessed it, that’s right], we’ve been attacked. America has been attacked.”

And FOR WHATEVER REASON, MY DANGER- or Spidey-sense, my level of present and utter apprehension, all my fear and utter desire to run the hell away, was NOT MOTIVATED so much by the distant flashing pillar of fire in the east, nor by the news of us being attacked, but as it was being CONSTANTLY PUSHED inside my head, by my BIGGEST FEAR: watching these giant air ships / “space whales”, swim around EVERYWHERE (and there were now about 10 of them air ships in the sky, up there?), just like they truly rule the sky…

And it was so ominous because their speed was not something fast or streaking or here one second and gone the next, but their pace was a slow plodding course through the sky — not even 5 or 10 miles an hour… THEIR SLOWNESS OF MOVEMENT, just up there creeping along through the cloudbanks, is what greatly contributed to the OMINOUS factor of how how much more afraid they made me feel, just by their being up there. ALWAYS PRESENT and HOVERING RIGHT OVER ME, at a height of only, maybe, five or six hundred feet above me, and yet, STILL FAR TOO CLOSE to me, my being only on the ground…

And then, right as i kept watching those ships, my dream, and the scene… totally changed.

And there i was, in some kind of future debate over what the “mark of the beast” was…. and the discussion became about FACTORY AUTOMATION. I dont remember a lot of this part of it, as this part is more blurry than the rest of my dream, but i was standing in a factory that was STAMPING OUT PEOPLE… real human people, human beings, being STAMPED WITH MECHANICAL or ELECTRICAL hardware parts, on their physical bodies. (Anyone who has ever seen the Star Wars movie, “Attack of the Clones” where Anakin and Padme were running through a factory and trying to avoid being stamped by automated robots, will understand that this scene was very much like that one.)

And i was having a roundtable like discussion with some important people or officials, probably some kind of corporate or government executives? About what the Mark of the Beast will be, AND I WAS WARNING THEM ABOUT THE MARK of the Beast… And then the topic of AUTOMATION and factory output came up… especially when it comes to how it is affecting people in their daily lives, and the possible mass output of more ships like those ones, AND THE MODIFICATION OF HUMANS in other factories PRIMARILY… My warning THEN had a lot to do with the DANGERS of HUMAN BODY MODIFICATION and SHIP OUTPUT AUTOMATION.

And then i woke up. 😦

I don’t know (YET) what any of this means, but the “air ships” have been in these kind of dreams EVERY SINGLE TIME, and AT ALL TIMES they were ANTI-POPULACE WEAPON PLATFORMS (i don’t know what else to call them, except that their entire purpose was to SUBDUE POPULATIONS with GUNS or other kinds of weapons whose bearing or attitude were ALWAYS POINTED DOWN AT THE GROUND, NEVER UP at other “ships” — ALWAYS FOCUSED DOWN ON THE PEOPLE on the ground!

And most times when i see these air ships, there are like 30 or 50 of them all in the sky of different makes and models, and various kinds appearing and disappearing in the (always at) night sky, at various times… But in this dream it was only 2 or 3 different kinds of air ships, and not the full gamut of various designs that appeared.

Something deep in my psyche, my soul, literally is afraid of these right-now-“fictional” machines of travel.

I DO NOT KNOW IF ANYTHING LIKE THESE “air ships” ACTUALLY EXIST. But when i first saw the very first Avengers movie, with the hover-power aircraft carrier in it, I FREAKED OUT and said it was basically like that ship, except it did not use rotors or air power to move around…

Somehow these ships stay aloft by some kind of energy manipulation, and this latest ship actually “wriggled” about like a fish in it’s rear or aft side…. I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANY OF THEM EVER DO THAT BEFORE. So once i awoke, i started thinking that maybe the reason why it did that is BEING SHOWN TO ME (by God? who knows?) that maybe the reason they are able to stay aloft, suspended in air, yet able to propel itself around, that that is “like a fish” (which is buoyant in water but not in air) is that somehow, scientists have figured out a way to make giant airships capable of being buoyant in air the same way fish or submarines are, in water. BUT HOW?

HOW would someone, scientifically or technologically, fashion or make these giant, VERY VERY HEAVY “air ships” able to float or move about, in mid-air, the same way fish can determine their cruising or floating depth, in water? SINCE WHEN was the matter of “buoyancy” anything to do with AIR or ENERGY instead of it only ever having had to do with normal WATER?

This is the kind of crap my brain pulls on me between 4 and 7 am… lol

And trust me, this is most definitely NOT my first time having “dreams” (read: FREAKING NIGHTMARES!!!)… just like this one… but probably the 20th or 30th time! 😦


Coronavirus- Blunt Truth


It’s ORIGIN comes from the UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, Chapel Hill — THAT IS WHERE IT CAME FROM!!!  NOT some “wet market” in Wuhan. CHINESE SPY THIEVES basically just STOLE IT from the labs at UNC in USA and then ran back to WUHAN CHINA with it and they somehow bungled the handling of it, and thus allowed it to get loose “in wet markets” …



Capitalist Eric

coronavirus molecule

The coronavirus (Covid-19, or whatever else you want to call it) represents a fundamental change in the way our current society operates. For this essay, I’m ONLY talking about the virus itself. I’ll follow up in the next day or two on economic impacts of it.

But let’s start off with the virus, establish the history, where it really came from, WHY, and what to do about it… then we can get on to what happens after.

First of all, contrary to MSM stories saying it was due to people eating Bat-soup, transferred from Sloths or whatever fictional bullshit they think people would be stupid enough to believe, the virus is NOT a naturally-occurring phenomenon. It was intentionally engineered by China. I will say that this is not speculation, not a conspiracy-theory, but a fact documented by plenty of public-domain documentation, by the people that did it.


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Hitler’s Economic Miracle

AND, the books on HOW to STILL do this (as they are CLASSICS from BEFORE the time of Hitler) are STILL ON AMAZON if anyone ever cared to read them!!!


Hitler’s Economic Miracle…’They’ do not want this discussion, obviously.
img_5533How Hitler defied the bankers

‘Following their defeat in WW1, Germany had been forced to accept a privately-owned central bank under the Treaty of Versailles. This privately-owned bank looted the
the Wiemar Republic. When Hitler came to power he kicked out the private central bankers and returned control of the currency to the government. This triggered an economic boom in Germany which would later be described as the “German Miracle” and lead to TIME Magazine making Hitler their Man of the Year for the amazing economic changes he had brought to Germany.

Those changes, of course, were a direct threat to the private central banks, both because citizens in other countries wondered why they could not have the same system of government-issued currency that was working so well for Germany (especially here in the United States, which had been started…

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